Friday, July 25, 2008

The next Big step. . .

After you have made your new email account, the next step is to click the following link Feel free to open it in a new window or tab and follow along with this blog. When you get to the site, you are going to have to sign up. It will ask for an email adress (put in your new one) as well as contact info (such as name, address, phone . . . I think it does anyways) DO NOT and I repeat, DO NOT put in your real info into these slots or else you will get so much junk mail and calls that it won't be funny. The trick here is to grab out your phonebook (or yellow pages. . . whatever you call it) and go to the residential portion (which should be towards the back). From here pick any one individual person/adress and write it out on a sticky note or something similar. On this website, you are now him/her. Any time you are asked on the site for this info always put it in. Don't change it up or they will know you're cheating. . . Anyways, you will recieve an email confirmation. Click it (do I really need to explain this??) and then log onto the site. Congratz, you are one step closer to getting your astros.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks man were is the next one